Call for contributions

Share your work, insights and expertise.

We aim to inform, inspire and strengthen the AI community by showcasing real-world examples of AI practice and bringing together AI scientists to share knowledge.

We cannot succeed in these aims without the support and contributions of the community, so thank you for taking the time to review this open call for contributions.

What are we looking for?

Below is a list of our core content areas. We welcome submissions in any of these areas. Each content area is linked to its own set of notes for contributors.

Submissions can focus on any and all topics and application areas. We want our content to reflect the breadth and depth of real-world data science.

Our target audience

You are a student, teacher, practitioner or leader and want to expose your work ?

What can submissions include?

We encourage contributors to experiment with and include different media formats in their submissions – text, images, audio and video. And as our site is built on Quarto – the new open-source publishing system developed by Posit – submissions can also include code cells, equations, figures, interactive data displays, and other elements to enrich the user experience.

If you haven’t used Quarto before, check out this fantastic tutorial from the developers. You can also explore some of the range of Quarto features that we use in this GitHub template repository, created by Finn-Ole Höner. It’s an excellent resource to help you get started!

How to submit

Once you’ve reviewed our notes for contributors and settled on a content area, theme and audience, please review our contributor guidelines for details on the submission process.

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